Well friends it finally happened…
I got the call and about 2 hours later my first 3 kids were arriving. And y’all – I was signed up for kids 4-10 and was given 9, 13, and 15. Insert big eyes here. Going from living alone to a household of four was jarring but completely welcome. I wasn’t ready to navigate teenhood, but really who is, and I am up for a challenge.
When they were placed in my home, it was assumed that it would be for a week or so until their circumstances changed. But sometimes life hands you rotten lemons and there is nothing you can do but plant a new tree. So they are staying until the end of the school year until question marks can be taken care of. Shocked? Yes. But I love that nothing has to change for them at a time when all they’ve had is change after change.
The 9 year old and his best friend, Claire Bear. He calls scratching her belly “tummy rubbies”.
Oh the new experiences I’m having… I burn candles at dinner time and we were all in Bath & Body Works together finding some fresh scents, when – CRASH. Slippery 9 year old fingers have a hard time holding big candles. Oh the things I am learning. I’ve also lost a wine glass to slippery fingers and a glass lamp to putting on a coat. Oh, and those felt boxes that fit in square shelves – they were used as seats during imaginative play and they will never look the same again. As for the two teens. Let’s just say it’s an amazing rollercoaster.
I have the best community and village. There have been some bumps and unexpected moments in my foster journey so far but I have always had someone by my side for everything. People are constantly asking how they can support us and we are always instantly provided for. I’m so grateful for a circle of friends who care as much for these kids as I do.
I can’t share photos of the kids – every county is different and Washington county is particularly strict on this rule, but I got the ok to share photos of hands and feet and there is no rule against what photos I share that the kids take, so above is a photo of the 9 year old and his best friend – Claire. He comes home from school every day and bee lines it to the pups saying “I missed youuuuu!” in his squeaky excited voice. Over Christmas break, we had a morning where the sun was coming in just right (and of course I had to quick grab my camera for the cutest photo ever that I can’t share) and he decided it was only ok for me to take photos of him if he also got to take photos of me – so enjoy this little photo below from a lazy school-less morning at the breakfast table back in January. He’s a natural photographer : )
I’m only allowed to take photos of the 9 year old if he is also allowed to take photos of me. Works out well in my opinion!
Friends, for the first time I have a lot of unread messages and I am taking a break from social media at the moment (which I highly recommend for everyone) and life has even deeper purpose. Just know if you are reading this – I am juggling three more schedules and sharing my time with three amazing kids and I’m doing my best to find rhythms so that I can keep serving everyone how I always want you to be served. Thank you for coming on this journey with me. No matter what happens moving forward, I know I am doing exactly what I want to do. Not even teenagers can scare me (most days).
– Rachel : )
As a business that exists to serve, there are promises I’ve made to myself and you, my client, to serve you best: I promise you that I will keep myself honest and accurately represent my qualifications and experience. I’ll serve you best by being committed to understanding your needs and goals. I’ll stay humble by sharing knowledge and professional experience with others. And most importantly, I will provide services in the areas in which I am qualified to serve.
What a beautiful journey. Blessed to be apart of it.
So grateful for those kids to have you. You’re one of a kind sweet friend
You’re doing an amazing job Rachel! So proud of you!